Healing touch comes in a variety of forms. As a family wellness center, Brilliant Life Chiropractic is dedicated to helping you and the rest of our community live a brilliant life.

Massage is a powerful way to improve your healing, or just to feel better and help to integrate stress. The benefits of massage include:

  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Relaxation
  • Relief of pain
  • Sports injury relief
  • Help with healing after car accidents
  • Headache relief

There are also prenatal forms of massage that are used specifically with pregnant women, understanding the needs and risks associated with our expectant mothers.

Additionally, massage is a wonderful compliment to Chiropractic care, which is why we’re so excited to offer it. Massage includes several different types of healing touch, including more gentle forms like Swedish massage, or more specific and deeper modalities, like Trigger Point massage or Deep Tissue, respectively. Make sure you tell your massage therapist what is going on with your body, so they can do the treatment that best suits your needs and wants.

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